Tiger & Turtle Retreat
13 - 15th September 2024
Stay an additional night free of charge
Coaching & Community

Preliminary Schedule

- Arrival in the afternoon
- Welcome Yoga & Intention setting
- Welcome Dinner at the Farmhouse and opening get-together
Day 2: Release
- Morning Breathwork & yoga
- Breakfast at the Farmhouse
- Guided MasterMind
- Lunch
- Free afternoon at the beach
- Dinner at the Farmhouse
- Dance Meditation & Transformative Breathwork Session

- Morning Breathwork & Yoga “My perfect day”
- Brunch in the Farmhouse
- EFT Coaching Session
- Lunch in the Farmhouse
- Final Circle
- Departure
Day 4: Enjoy
- Enjoy your room and the location for an additional night for some additional me-time and exploring nearby restaurants and cafes
- Note: this extra day contains no official program and catering anymore

The Retreat Hosts

Your investment
890 EUR (incl. all costs)
Note: This retreat can be deducted as a business expense.
- Boutique B&B close to the beach in Zeeland, Netherlands
- 3 delicious vegetarian meals per full day (between 13th and 15th)
- Inspiring group sessions & sharing circles
- Daily Breathwork sessions
- Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Intro & Experience
- Yoga sessions + meditation
- Beach walks
- Cacao & dance
- Small group size of 10 attendees maximum
- Optional free night until 16th of Sept to enjoy the beach & location
Main Retreat Language English
Languages spoken: English (German, Dutch)
1:1 breathwork journey session with Johanna: 60 min for 120€
1:1 biohacking consultation with Johanna: 30 min for 90€
Combine the retreat with 1 year of online program "Stress Release Toolbox" to let go & fly high any time before and after the Mastermind Retreat Details here - DM me if interested.

In our current time we are suffering from several disconnections:
to myself

to others

to the planet

It all starts with everyone of us. We feel disconnected from our true nature as we feel we need to fit in and adapt our self to be liked & loved by suppressing our real needs and qualities. This process takes up lots of energy and often feels very stressful to us. We find ourselves hyper-activated with our nervous systems being constantly in fight, flight or freeze mode. In this state our thinking isn’t clear and we can’t feel our body and strong emotions anymore. As a business owner we lack clarity, connection and community.
The good news is: there is a place out there where you can experience all of that.
Through breathwork, yoga, masterminding and coaching we can find a place within us - where we can access states of calmness, peace and trust and emotions of love, joy and flow. This reconnection to our own being allows us to authentically reconnect with others and the world around us. So that we can create the impact we wish to achieve in our lives and businesses.