1:1 Breathwork Coaching (2 month trajectory)
Learn to use your breath to control your emotions and let go of stress fast.
Lerne, deinen Atem so zu benutzen, um in den physischen und mentalen Zustand zu gelangen, in dem du sein möchtest!
Please make sure that you have read and understood the waiver and do not suffer from any of the below conditions:
- chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD-II and COPD-III)
- chronic diseases with symptoms of decompensation or terminal illness
- individual intolerance of oxygen insufficiency
- acute somatic and viral diseases
- not recommended in serious cardiac and hypertension cases
- cancer, unless IHT is prescribed by a doctor
- people with epilepsy, pacemakers or heart arrhythmias, unless treatment (including Intermittent Hypoxic Training) is under direct medical supervision
For maximum benefit from each session, practice breathwork laying down, don’t practice while driving or in water. Please make sure you are in an undisturbed place, you have your yoga mat or somewhere cosy to lay or sit, a blanket (if needed) and good headphones available. It is also important to not have a heavy meal before the session.