Safety notes & contraindications


Breathwork techniques of Tiger & Turtle are generally safe to be to be used for anyone. They have various benefits. Long breathholding after various rounds of fast breathing (intermittent hypoxic training = IHT) is contraindicated in the case of:

  • Acute severe illness
  • Epilepsy
  • Patients with pacemakers or heart arrhythmias
  • Pregnancy

Some conditions which maybe aggravated by IHT include and careful attention to technique must be paid.

Eg: Tinnitus, hernias.

For all other medical conditions please be you may be your own guide, gently include IHT to improve your health. Your body is your own guide as to how far you should push. It is always safer to build up your tolerance slowly and steadily.

Please contact me should you have any questions.

What if I am a person with any of the contraindications?

You will still gain enormous benefits from the breathwork practice. The rhythmic breathing, visualisation and sound therapy will help you.

Simply stay away from the breath retentions unless you are supervised by your health professional.

***DO NOT practice this in water nor while driving or operating any kind of machinery.

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