How to manage your emotions in less than 15 minutes so you can leave the downward spiral of stress forever

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I loved every bit of Johanna’s virtual training! It opened up a whole new world to me. Her method allowed me to connect with my breath & body in a more conscious, dynamic, and inspiring way!

Today, I feel much more grounded and relaxed in my busy everyday life. I love Johanna’s positive vibe, high energies and the beauty and style that come with all of her well-structured content.

IRINA NAITHANI | Founder Werise

By the end of this training you will be able to:

Free online training
  • Quickly manage stressful situations that pop up with a simple 15 minute breathwork exercise
  • Understand your stress triggers using breath testing so that you can hit the reset button anytime you need
  • Feel more in sync with your business goals so you can grow your business with more ease

Once you watch the full training, I am excited to hear from you about how you can release stress in less than 15 minutes.

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